

下周二5月29日下午16:00(力二楼二楼多媒体教室),普渡大学的张松教授将给大家分享他最近的精彩学术报告“Challenges and opportunities in the field of 3D optical sensing”。


Challenges and opportunities in the field of 3D optical sensing

Song Zhang,



Advances in optical imaging and machine/computer vision have provided integrated smart sensing systems for the manufacturing industry; and advanced 3D optical sensing could have profound impact on numerous fields, with broader applications including manufacturing, biomedical engineering, homeland security, and entertainment. This talk will go through some of our recent research on high-speed 3D optical sensing, but mainly focus on discussing the challenges and opportunities in the field 3D optical sensing.


Dr. Song Zhang is an associate professor of mechanical engineering at Purdue University. He received his B.S. (2000) from University of Science and Technology of China, and M.S. (2003) Ph.D. (2005) degrees from Stony Brook University. He spent three years at Harvard as a postdoctoral research fellow, and 6.5 years at Iowa State University as an assistant and associate professor before joining Purdue. Dr. Zhang has published 76 journal articles; co-authored 6 book chapters; edited one book; and filed 8 patent applications (3 granted). 10 of his journal articles were selected as cover page highlights. He has won AIAA Best Paper Award, Best of SIGGRAPH by the Walt Disney, NSF CAREER award, and Stony Brook University’s “40 under 40 Alumni Award”. He was elected as the fellow of SPIE in 2014.