

许旻 副教授













1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61375095,基于SMA多肌耦合柔性腕足的仿生章鱼运动机理研究,主持

2. 科技部国家重点研发项目:“警用地面无人平台系统技术”的子课题,主持

3. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目, U22B2040, 复杂环境下机器人运动控制的模仿学习技术

4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 51975550, 基于形状记忆合金的软体仿生驱动器精确运动控制研究

5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,50975269,新型SMA扭转驱动器的运动变换机理与优化设计研究

6. 高校985创新项目,仿生机器鱼游动机理研究

7. 863自动化领域机器人主题“高机动性越障机器人研制”


1. Jin Hu, Dong Erbao; Xu Min; Yang Jie ; A Smart and Hybrid Composite Finger with Biomimetic Tapping Motion for Soft Prosthetic Hand, Journal of Bionic Engineering, 2020, 17(3):484-500

2. Yumo Wang; Shunxiang Pang; Hu Jin; Min Xu; Shuaishuai Sun; Weihua Li; Shiwu Zhang ;Development of a biomimetic scallop robot capable of jet propulsion, Bioinspiration &Biomimetics, 2020, 15(3): 1-10

3. Hao Yang; Min Xu; Weihua Li; Shiwu Zhang ; Design and Implementation of a Soft Robotic Arm Driven by SMA Coils, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS, 2018, 66(8): 6108-6116

4. Jin Hu, Dong Erbao*, Xu Min, Xia Qirong, Liu Shuai, Li Weihua, Yang Jie; Tunable smart digital structure (SDS) to modularly assemble soft actuators with layered adhesive bonding,Smart Materials and Structures 2018.1 27 (1): 015012~015012

5. Huang He, Dong Erbao*, Xu Min, Yang Jie, Low Kin Huat; Mechanism design and kinematic analysis of a robotic manipulator driven by joints with two degrees of freedom (DOF), Industrial Robot: An International Journal 2017.11 45(1):34-43

6. Fang Tao,Zhou Youcheng,Liz Shikun,Xu Min,Liang Haiyi,Li Weihua,Zhang Shiwu*;Theoretical and experimental study on a compliant flipper-leg during terrestrial locomotion,Bioispiration & Biomimetics 2016.10 11 (5) :056005~056005

7. Jin Hu, Dong Erbao*, Alici Gursel, Mao Shixin, Min Xu, Liu, Chunshan, Low K. H., Yang Jie; A starfish robot based on soft and smart modular structure (SMS) actuated by SMA wires, Bioispiration & Biomimetics 2016.10 11 (5): 056012~056012

8. Yang Yikun, Xia Yu, Qin Fenghua, Xu Min, Li Weihua, Zhang Shiwu* , Development of a bio-inspired transformable robotic fin, Bioispiration & Biomimetics 2016.10 11 (5) :056010~056010

9. Zhong Bin, Zhou Youcheng, Li Xiaoxiang, Xu Min, Zhang Shiwu*; Locomotion Performance of the Amphibious Robot on Various Terrains and Underwater with Flexible Flipper Legs, Journal of Bionic Engineering 2016.10 Vol.13, 525~536

10. Jin Hu, Dong Erbao*, Xu, Min, Liu Chunshan, Alici Gursel, Jie Yang, Soft and smart modular structures actuated by shape memory alloy (SMA) wires as tentacles of soft robots, Smart Materials and Structures 2016.8 25(8): 085026~085026

11. Jiang Nan, Sun Shuaishuai, Ouyang Yiming, Xu Min, Li Weihua, Zhang Shiwu*; A highly adaptive magnetorheological fluid robotic leg for efficient terrestrial locomotion, Smart Materials and Structures 2016.8 25(9): 095019~0095019

12. Zhang Shiwu*, Zhou Youcheng, Xu Min, Liang Xu, Liu Jiming, Yang Jie, AmphiHex-I: Locomotory Performance in Amphibious Environments With Specially Designed Transformable Flipper Legs, IEEE-ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 2016.6 21(3): 1720~1731


1. 一种基于形状记忆合金-柔体复合结构的柔性操作手,专利号201510250616.9

2. 一种基于双斜面偏转关节的机器鱼,专利号201510250572.X

3. 一种基于微管道冷却的形状记忆合金驱动器,专利号201510250636.6


5. 一种基于混合驱动机构的多足移动装置,专利号201310273443.3

6. 一种弹性足与轮式运动机构结合的复合变形移动机器人,专利号201310163677.2

7. 被动式双曲柄越障机构,专利号 200420024716.7

8. 平行四边形高架连杆越障机构,专利号 200420024717.1,

9. 越障机器人的复合移动机构,专利号 200520075351.5

10. 一种基于可变形足-蹼复合推进机构的水陆两栖机器人,专利号 201220382476

11. 一种弹性足与轮式运动机构结合的复合变形移动机器人,专利号201320239388