Maxim V. Gorkunov “Chiral metaphotonics empowered by dielectric resonances”报告会成功举办


499时,Shubnikov Institute of CrystallographyMaxim V. Gorkunov教授在中国科大西区力二楼215受邀做学术报告,报告题目为“Chiral metaphotonics empoweredby dielectric resonances”,报告会由工程科学学院陈杨教授主持。





Dr. Maxim Gorkunov Was born in 1972 in the USSR, received his MS degree in 1995 and his Ph.D. degree in 1998 from the Moscow State Engineering Physics Institute. Conducted research at the University of Osnabruck in Germany, the Australian National University, Oulu University in Finland, Strathclyde University in Scotland and Trinity College Dublin in Ireland. Currently leads the Department of Theoretical Studies of the Institute of Crystallography in Moscow. Co-authored more than 170 publications. Specializes in theory and modeling of emerging photonic materials: metamaterials and metasurfaces, liquid crystals, polymers and nanocomposites. Current interests cover dielectric metasurfaces with strong and maximum optical chirality, chiral optical resonators, sources and detectors of chiral light, as well as functional liquid-crystal photonic elements.