



Dr. Jianxiong Zhu is focusing research on the MEMS/Nano environment/physics sensing and their applications in IoTs, healthcare, and smart manufacturing. He received his Ph.D in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering from University of Missouri, Columbia in USA at 2015. Before joining Research Fellow of the National University of Singapore (2019-2020), he was as a postdoc (Tsinghua University 2015), assistant professor fellow (BINN, CAS,2016-2017), postdoc fellow (KAIST in Korea,2017-2019). In the past 10 year’s continuous research work in the USA, China, Korea, and Singapore, he published about 47 peer-reviewed papers (33 SCI papers and their impact factor is over 140), 3 authorized patents, and a book chapter in Elsevier. He serves as editors members in two international journals, and is as reviewers for more than 10 peer-review top journals. He also got BK21 scholarship, outstanding Ph.D,etc.

