储开芹 博士,特任研究员
1995 南开大学,学士,物理
2002 上海交通大学, 硕士,物理
2009 University of Rochester, 博士, 光学
2009-2012 University of California, Davis, 博士后
2012-2015 University of California, Davis, 项目科学家
十多年来一直从事计算图像集成系统的研究,涉足数字成像、医疗影像、X射线单分子和晶体成像。 不仅成功开发了新型的成像系统,超分辨率技术,还跟尖端商业显微镜厂商合作,实现了科研转化,将开发出来的图像处理算法运用到了商业产品当中。目前主要研究方向是适用于活细胞四维(三维空间+时间)观察的多模式超分辨率显微技术和便携式生物医疗仪器。
1. K. Chu, Z. J. Smith, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Development of inexpensive blood imaging systems: where are we now?” Expert Review of Medical Devices 12, 613-627 (2015).
2. K. Chu, P.J. McMillan, Z. J. Smith, J. Yin, J. Atkins, P. Goodwin, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, and S. Lane, “Image reconstruction for structured-illumination microscopy with low signal level,” Optics Express, 22, 8687-8702 (2014)
3. Z. J. Smith, T. Gao, K. Chu, S. M. Lane, D. M. Dwyre, D. L. Matthews, J. Hood, K. Tatsukawa, L. Heifetz, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Single-step preparation and image-based counting of minute volumes of human blood,” Lab on a Chip, 14, 3029-3036 (2014).
4. Z. J. Smith, K. Chu, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, S. Lane, “Nanometer-scale sizing accuracy of particle suspensions on an unmodified cell phone using elastic light scattering,” PLoS ONE 7(10): e46030 (2012).
5. K. Chu, Z. J. Smith, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, S. Lane, “Super-resolved Spatial Light Interference Microscopy,” J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 29, 344-351 (2012).
6. K. Chu, J. Evans, N. Rohringer, S. Hau-Riege, A. Graf, M. Frank, Z. J. Smith, S. Lane, “In-plane rotation classification for x-ray imaging of single biomolecules,” Optics Express, 9, 11691-11704 (2011).
7. Z. J. Smith, K. Chu, A. R. Espenson, M. Ramizadeh, A. Gryshuk, M. Molinaro, D. M. Dwyre, S. Lane, D. M. Matthews, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Cell-phone-based platform for biomedical device development and education applications,” PLoS ONE 6(3): e17150 (2011).
8. K. Chu, N. George and W. Chi, “Incoherently combining logarithmic aspheric lenses for extended depth of field,” Applied Optics, 48, 5371-5379 (2009)
9. K. Chu, N. George, and W. Chi, “Extending the depth of field through unbalanced optical path difference,” Applied Optics, 47, 6895-6903 (2008)
10.W. Chi, K. Chu and N. George, “Polarization coded aperture,” Optics Express, 14, 6634-6642 (2006)
11.K. Chu and N. George, “Correlation function for speckle size in the right half space,” Optics Communications, 276, 1-7(2007)