Zachary Smith 教授 博导
主 页:
(1)基于弹性散射光谱的便携式贫血诊断仪,(2)基于手机的便携式农作物疾病诊断仪(3)开发可用于人和动物的便携式血检仪 ,(4)用局域光谱分析方法来观察测量活细胞动态和细胞死亡的过程,(5)利用压缩传感光谱仪进行细胞分类和超光谱成像。
Zachary Smith 十多年来一直从事生物光子方面的研究,已成功开发了基于手机的显微镜,光谱仪和粒度仪。集样品准备,测量和分析于一体的便携式自动化血检仪。在光谱技术方面首次提出了用局域光谱分析的概念实行化学监控,实现了在低信号的情况下确定并跟踪局域谱峰,将测量的精确率提高了十倍以上。同时开发了基于压缩传感(compressive sensing)的超快光谱仪,避免了将有限的光信号分布给众多像素,实现了快速高质量的光谱测量。
2002 University of Rochester, B.S. in Optics (光学)
2009 University of Rochester, Ph.D in Optics (光学)
2009-2012 University of California, Davis, 博士后
2012-2015 University of California, Davis, 项目科学家
美国NSF “I-CORPS”,2015年1月-2015年9月
1. T. Gao, Z. J. Smith (co-first author), T. Line, D. Carrade-Holt, S. M. Lane, D. L. Matthews, D. M. Dwyre, J. Hood, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Smart and fast blood counting of trace volumes of body fluids from various mammalian species using a compact, custom-built microscope cytometer,” Analytical Chemistry, epub ahead of print (2015).
2. K. Chu, Z. J. Smith, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Development of inexpensive blood imaging systems: where are we now?” Expert Review of Medical Devices 12, 613-627 (2015).
3. R. K. Gill, Z. J. Smith, C. Lee, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “The effects of laser repetition rate on femtosecond laser ablation of dry bone: a thermal and LIBS study,” Journal of Biophotonics, in press (2015).
4. C. Lee, R. P. Carney, S. Hazari, Z. J. Smith, A. Knudson, C. S. Robertson, K. S. Lam, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “3D plasmonic nanobowl platform for the study of exosomes in solution,” Nanoscale 7, 9290-9297 (2015).
5. Z. J. Smith, T. Gao, K. Chu, S. M. Lane, D. M. Dwyre, D. L. Matthews, J. Hood, K. Tatsukawa, L. Heifetz, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Single-step preparation and image-based counting of minute volumes of human blood,” Lab on a Chip 14, 3029-3036 (2014).
6. R. Gill, F. Knorr, Z. J. Smith, M. Kahraman, D. Madsen, D. Larsen, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Characterization of Femtosecond Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (fsLIBS) and Applications for Biological Samples,” Applied Spectroscopy 68, 949-954 (2014).
7. K. Chu, P. McMillan, Z. J. Smith, J. Yin, J. Atkins, P. Goodwin, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, S. Lane, “Image reconstruction for structured-illumination microscopy with low signal level,” Optics Express, 22(7), 8687-8702 (2014).
8. M. de Oliveira, Z. J. Smith (co-first author), F. Knorr, R. de Araujo, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Long term Raman spectral study of power-dependent photodamage in red blood cells,” Applied Physics Letters, 104, 103702 (2014).
9. I. W. Schie, L. Nolte, T. Pedersen, Z. Smith, J. Wu, I. Yahiatene, J. W. Newman, T. R. Huser, “Direct Comparison of Fatty Acid Ratios in Single Cellular Lipid Droplets as determined by Comparative Raman Spectroscopy and Gas Chromatography,” Analyst 138(21), 6662-70 (2013).
10. Z. J. Smith, C.-W. Chang, L. S. Lawson, S. M. Lane, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Precise Monitoring of Chemical Changes through Localization Analysis of Dynamic Spectra (LADS),” Applied Spectroscopy 67(2), 187-195 (2013).
11. Z. J. Smith, K. Chu, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Nanometer-Scale Sizing Accuracy of Particle Suspensions on an Unmodified Cell Phone Using Elastic Light Scattering,” PLoS ONE, 7(10): e46030 (2012).
12. Z. J. Smith, T. R. Huser, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Raman Scattering in Pathology,” Analytical and Cellular Pathology, Vol. 35 (3), 145-163 (2012).
13. K. Chu, Z. J. Smith, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, S. Lane, “Super-resolved Spatial Light Interference Microscopy,” JOSA A, Vol. 29 (3), 344-351 (2012).
14. Z. J. Smith, S. Strombom, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Multivariate Optical Computing using a Digital Micromirror Device for Fluorescence and Raman spectroscopy,” Optics Express, Vol. 19 (18), 16950-16962 (2011).
15. K. Chu, J. Evans, N. Rohringer, S. Hau-Riege, A. Graf, M. Frank, Z. J. Smith, S. Lane, “In-plane rotation classification for x-ray imaging of single biomolecules,” Optics Express, Vol. 19 (12), 11691-11704 (2011).
16. Z. J. Smith (co-first author), F. Knorr, C. V. Pagba, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Rejection of Fluorescence Background in Resonance and Spontaneous Microspectroscopy,” Journal of Visualized Experiments 51 (2011).
17. Z. J. Smith, K. Chu, A. R. Espenson, M. Ramizadeh, A. Gryshuk, M. Molinaro, D. M. Dwyre, S. Lane, D. M. Matthews, S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Cell-phone-based platform for biomedical device development and education applications,” PLoS ONE 6(3): e17150 (2011).
18. F. Knorr, Z. J. Smith (co-first author), S. Wachsmann-Hogiu, “Development of a time-gated system for Raman spectroscopy of biological samples,” Optics Express 18 (19), 20049-20058 (2010).
19. Z. J. Smith, J. C. Wang, S. A. Quataert, A. J. Berger, “Integrated Raman and angular scattering microscopy reveals chemical and morphological differences between activated and nonactivated CD8+ T lymphocytes,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 15, 036021 (2010).
20. Z. J. Smith, A. J. Berger, “Construction of an Integrated Raman and Angular Scattering Microscope,” Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 044302 (2009).
21. Z. J. Smith, A. J. Berger, “Validation of an Integrated Raman- and Angular-Scattering Microscopy system on heterogeneous bead mixtures and single human immune cells,” Applied Optics 48 (10), D109 – D120 (2009)
22. Z. J. Smith, A. J. Berger, “Integrated Raman and Angular Scattering Microscopy,” Optics Letters 33 (7), 714-716 (2008).
23. Z. J. Smith, A. J. Berger, “Surface Sensitive Polarized Raman Spectroscopy of Biological Tissue,” Optics Letters 30 (11), 1363-1365 (2005).